
Innovative Building Systems

ABN 27 059 916 488

Established in 1997 after being invited to become an official supplier of the CSR Hebel Building System, specialising in commercial projects across Melbourne and contracted by many commercial builders.

Transfield Holdings and Abby group; specialising in factories, high rise constructions, fire separation walls and architectural projects.

Studied and researched “Construction and Transport Systems” in Germany, Turkey and Thailand.



Initiated negotiations for the importation of CSR Hebel products into New Zealand.


1997 – 2002

Invited to become a supplier and installer of all CSR Hebel products.



Supplied and constructed the first 150mm thick Hebel wall panel factory in Melton, Victoria.

Negotiated and streamlined a transport and storage system adopted by CSR Hebel.



Supplied and installed Hebel blocks for exhaust ports in the domain tunnel for the South Eastern Freeway project in Melbourne, Australia.



Supplied and installed 225mm and 250mm Hebel floor panels on the first high-rise retrofit in constructing 4 extra floors out of Hebel floor panels on an existing high-rise building.

Supplied and constructed many sound and fire rated division and separation walls on high rise construction projects.

Built first prototype of a bushfire shelter.


2004 – 2014

Researched aerated autoclaved building, AAC, systems and import opportunities in Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia.



Achieved accreditation from Building Regulations Advisory Committee and Victorian Building Authority for our bushfire shelter.

Designed and built an eco-hotel and restaurant in Amed, Bali, Indonesia using AAC block walls for a lower thermal impact, lowering electricity usage and adopting a biocycle septic system for a zero-human waste impact on the local environment and water table.

View Certificate of Accreditation

Designed and built an eco-hotel and restaurant in Amed, Bali, Indonesia using AAC block walls for a lower thermal impact, lowering electricity usage and adopting a biocycle septic system for a zero-human waste impact on the local environment and water table.